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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Aromaleigh Cosmetics Sol Invictus Collection

Press Samples

Hi Everyone!

Would you like to see my swatches of the Sol Invictus Collection before it's released? Well, you're in luck! Last week the lovely owner Kristen sent me samples to review and swatch along with my purchased order. Kristen has been sending out sneak peeks of this collection with recent orders, so you may have already received one of these beautiful colors!

Here is a little information regarding the Sol Invictus Collection and the history behind the collection:

"Saturnalia was a festival of light leading to the winter solstice, with the abundant presence of candles symbolizing the quest for knowledge and truth. Most people find the word Saturnalia to be synonymous with drunken celebration, but there was so much more to this ancient festival! The renewal of light and the coming of the new year was celebrated at the Dies Natalis of Sol Invictus, the “Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun,” on December 25. Roman mythology of the Golden Age of Saturn’s reign differed from the Greek tradition. Saturn arrived in Italy “dethroned and fugitive”, but brought agriculture and civilization and became a king. As the Augustan poet Vergil described it, “he gathered together the unruly race” of fauns and nymphs “scattered over mountain heights, and gave them laws. Under his reign were the golden ages men tell of: in such perfect peace he ruled the nations.”  (source: Wikipedia)"

All are swatched over NYX Eyeshadow Base. This is the BEST base to use for Aromaleigh colors (it also works extremely well with other brands!). The first photo of the color is under direct light (daylight bulb) and the other photos of the color are moving away from the light. Click the photos to view them in a larger size.

Topsy Turvy
Topsy Turvy
Topsy Turvy- A medium green with lots of pink, blue and golden sparkles. 

Unchained Revelry
Unchained Revelry
Unchained Revelry- " A gorgeous berry shade that shifts to a softly metallic copper, with brilliant iridescent fuchsia and blue sparkles and copper iridescence."

 Aureum- "A richly shimmering soft warm gold with color traveling sparkles of gold/green and red/violet."

 Munera- "A rich taupe-y shade with brilliant aqua/gold/copper sparkles. If you foil this color, or rub it in to your lips or cheeks, it also leans to the rosy side!"

 Opalia- "A delicate opalescent pink with bountiful pink to blue color shift. This color would be a perfect shade for highlighting the brow, or even on the cheeks or to add shimmer to the lips!"

Lord of Misrule
Lord of Misrule
Lord of Misrule
 Lord of Misrule- "A gorgeous taupe base with really strong orange-red-violet color traveling iridescence. It’s a neutral with an amazing, shimmery twist!"

Io, Saturnalia!
Io, Saturnalia!
 Io, Saturnalia!- "A smooth rich teal blue with prominent gold/copper/red color traveling sparkles."

 Sigillaria- "A gorgeously rich amber which is slightly metallic and having a spectacular amount of strong aqua and fuchsia sparklies."

 Oscilla- "An exquisite shimmering peach with oodles of icy blue, pink, copper and gold color traveling sparkles."

Lua Saturni
Lua Saturni
 Lua Saturni- "A heathered deep indigo/violet (will change from more blue to more violet depending on your viewing conditions) with dominant blue to teal sparkles that color shift to fuchsia/red."

Luxuriae Maniae
Luxuriae Maniae
Luxuriae Maniae
 Luxuriae Maniae- "An imperial purplish mauve with chestnut tones and a strong and sparkling color traveling duochrome effect that ranges from gold, bronze and copper."

Sol Invictus
Sol Invictus
 Sol Invictus- "A beautiful coral/orange shade with a slight golden undertone in certain lighting, bedazzled by color traveling orange-violet-fuchsia shimmer and bright green sparks."

I am in LOVE with this collection! Every color is so unique and stands out. I had no trouble applying these. They were a dream to swatch! I have to say, I can't pick favorites because I honestly find myself drawn to all of these colors. I love the complexity of them and how they're a work of art within themselves. Aromaleigh has to be one of my top favorite indie brands at the moment. Everything is so wearable on a daily level. 

The Sol Invictus collection will be released November 15th. You can pre-order the collection HERE. Sample sizes will be $12 while full sizes will be $78. If you'd like more information about this collection, you can check out Aromaleigh Cosmetics' blog HERE.


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